汎英股份有限公司成立於西元1988年,由一群富有經驗的工程師 、藥師、 企管師及醫療技術人員所組成,致力引進先進的醫療科技及醫材,代理銷售歐、美、日等國際知名品牌,並提供專業的售後服務,客戶遍及國內各大醫學中心及公、私立醫院及診所。使台灣醫療專業人員與民眾得與先進國家同步接受到尖端的醫療科技所帶來的益處,進而提升台灣醫療品質、造福病患。


Founded in 1988, MEDEN INTERNATIONAL INC. who was created by a group of experienced Electronics or Medical Engineers, Pharmacists, business people, and Medical Technologists has been essentially a technical representative and distributor of well-known international brands in Europe, U.S.A., and Japan…etc. MEDEN has been devoted to bringing in advanced medical technology and equipments and offering professional after-sales service to improve medical quality and benefit medical staff and patients in Taiwan. Very good reputation among major hospitals, strong confidence by our customers and continuous supports from the suppliers play essential roles to the success of this well established operation, up to now and in the future.
The name “Meden” composed of “Medical” and “
Engineering” represents not only the composition of our personnel, but also our core value – to integrate related professions based on medical expertise and provide dedicated service with the enterprise value of integrity.
